• This website contains articles related to Linux, but also Computer Security and Hacking/Penetration Testing.
    The articles, tutorials and demos provided are for informational and educational purpose only, and for those who’re willing and curious to know and learn about Ethical Hacking, Security and Penetration Testing. Any time the word “Hacking” is used on this website, it shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking.

  • Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. If you plan to use any of the content contained on this website for illegal purposes, please leave immediately. I will not be held responsible for any of your or another’s illegal actions.

  • The misuse of information on this website may result in criminal charges being brought against you.
    I will not be held responsible for any criminal charges brought against any individuals misusing the information on this website to break any laws.
    You shall not misuse the information to gain unauthorised access to any computer system(s).
    However, you may try out hacks on your own computer at your own risk. Performing hacking activities on computers that you do not own, without permission, is illegal.

  • This website and it’s authour hold no responsibility for the contents of any linked articles, tools, instructions, or any materials outside of this website. Resources that are linked are used at your own risk.

  • This website contains materials that can be potentially damaging or dangerous. If you do not fully understand something on this website, then do not attempt it.

  • Refer to the laws in your province/country before accessing, using, or in any other way utilizing materials on this website.

  • I reserve the right to modify this Disclaimer at any time without notice.